1 (edytowany przez Kubakonst 2014-01-07 21:02:49)

Temat: Wymysły Kuby

Tak z nudów, parę pomysłów na karty. tongue

Life Orb - Pokemon Tool

Each of the attacks of that Pokémon does 60 more damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance). Put 1 damage counter on that Pokémon after his attack.

Cloyster [W] 110 HP Stage 1 Evolves from Shellder

Ability Skill Link
All flips made during Cloyster's attack are heads. This ability doesn't work, when this Pokemon is under condition.

[WW] Ice Shard 30x
Flip 5 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads

weakness [L]
retreat [C]

Gliscor [F] 110Hp Stage 1 Evolves from Gligar

Ability Poison Heal
Heal 10 damage between turns, when this is Poisoned. Ignore effect of Poison on this Pokemon.

Sludge Bomb 30
Both this Pokémon and the Defending Pokémon are now Poisoned.

Sky Uppercut 90
This attack's damage is not affected by Weakness or any other effects of the Defending Pokémon.

weakness [W]

Na razie tylko jedna propozycja, jak "ubiorę w słowa" inne swoje pomysły to także tutaj je wstawię.


Odp: Wymysły Kuby

Jeśli jest to pokemon Tool, to musisz zdefiniować kiedy damage counter znajdzie się na pokemonie - w momencie podłożenia, po każdym ataku czy między turami?

W sumie to kluczowa kwestia jeśli chodzi o możliwość istnienia takiej karty big_smile


Odp: Wymysły Kuby

Heal 10 damage between turns, when this is Poisoned.

Tutaj bym dodał, że to wchodzi zamiast efektu poisiona. No chyba, że twój zamysł jest inny to sorry.